CD School House 10
CD School House - Education and Games (10.0) - Wayzata Technology (1995).iso
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Text File
116 lines
ahem ahoy aide aile airy ajar akin alai alan alba alga alia
ally alma aloe also alto alum amen amid ammo amok amra anew
arch idle royt slip mash bark cash sand damp moil quiz quit
aryl ashy atom atop aunt aura auto aver avid avow away awry
base bash bask bass bate bath batt baud bawd bawl bead beak
beam bean bear beat beau beck beef been beep beer beet bell
belt blow wink cue; zero stow barb jade plug weed colt exit
beta sort less bate ebb; long lags leaf easy lamp glim puff
blew blip blob bloc blot blue blur boar boat bock bode body
bulb bulk bull bump bunk bunt buoy burg burl burn bury bush
coca coco coda code coed coil coin cola cold colt coma comb
come cone conn cony cook cool coop coot cope copy cord core
cork corn cosh cost cosy coup cove cowl cozy crab crag cram
crew sort airy aqua acts says said lick like look gist sour
dame flow gale glee jest utas poly mix; vaux toty send diet
damp dang dank dare dark darn dart dash data date daub dawn
disk foil hint mole gage full rank rich rife amp; shot knob
doze mess jull muzz soss sink fozy cozy lire thew asor bell
drew drib drip drop drub drug drum dual duck duct duel duet
edge edgy edit elan else emit emma envy epic etch even exam
fare farm faro fast fate faun fawn faze fear feat feed feel
fend evil jury give star much quit pail glee pyke arch mood
flaw flat race team ling trig brag swig mask task very hard
gnaw bait haze seek toil toss gall ride work tire pend tree
gold iron lead zinc gate dela give leon noon calm easy fair
graf wove coin quit sail nova butt type into crib hale tent
gyro hack hail hair hale half hall halo halt hand hang hank
hand type held herb rail zoos xray pray know box; belt stow
have hawk haze hazy head heal heap hear heat heck heed heel
idol iffy inch indy into ipso iris iron isle itch item jack
jade jail jake jazz jean jeep jess jest jibe jilt jinx jive
joey join joke jolt joss jowl judo juke jump junk jure jury
just jute kale kava kayo keel keen keep kelp keno kept kern
keys khan kick kind king kink kirk kiss kite kiva knee knew
knot last hour meal mete mile nail time span step take tram
lack take just gain like most stop sell boot sack swag bout
lamb lame lamp land lane lard lark lase lash last late lath
lens agar stab olio wind pith bulb dull mare blue side soft
look seem seam razz many mite boys hurt oxy; gang zags saga
low; base clam hard lean mids nice poky slim vile unit alma
main make male mall malt mana mane many mare mark mart mash
mask mass mast mate math maul maze mead meal mean meat meek
mice mien miff mike mila mild mile milk mill milt mind mine
mush musk must mute mutt myel myth nail name nary nave navy
near neat neck need neon nest neve newt next nibs nice nick
nigh nine node nolo none nook noon norm nose note noun nova
novo null numb oath obey oboe ogle ogre oily oint oldy omen
omit once only onto onus onyx ooze opal open opus ouch oust
oval oven over owly oxen pace pack pact page paid pail pain
peel peep peer pelt pend pent perk pert pest pica pick pier
pike pile pill pine ping pink pint pion pipe pity pixy plan
plat play plea plod plop plot plow plug plum plus poem poet
ploy eddy moto play stir barb skim such trop soil cack snot
poor pope pore pork port pose posh post posy pour pout pram
qill quit quiz quid poll post patt blob game tame same lame
quit quiz race rack raft rage raid rail rain rake ramp rang
rank rant rapt rare rasa rash rasp rata rate rave raze read
real ream rear reck reed reef reek reel rein rend rent rest
rude ruin rule rune rung runt ruse rush rusk rust sack safe
salt silt face upon moan mean been bean bone bane wane cane
silk sill silo silt sima sine sing sink sire site situ size
skat skew skid skim skin skip skit slab slag slam slap slat
slay sled slid slim slip slit slog slop slot slow slug slur
spud gate fund dust dubs cush gold hoot jake kale jack moss
star stay stem step stew stir stop stow stub stun such suds
suey suit sulk sung sunk sure surf swab swag swam swan swap
swat sway swig swim swum tabu tack tact taft tail take tale
talk tall tame tamp tang tank tapa tape tara tart task tate
taut taxi teal team tear teat tech teem teen tell tend tent
term tern test text than that thaw thee them then they thin
this thou thud thug thus tick tide tidy tied tier tift tile
tiff tift tone tune vein whim buck spur work stir way; klip
torr tort tory toss tote tour tout town trag tram trap tray
tree trek trig trim trio trip trod trot troy true tsar tuba
tube tuck tuff tuft tuna tune tung turf turn tusk twig twin
unit knit knot knee know buy; blab blaa clip clap cry; held
vast veal veer veil vein vend vent verb very vest veto vial
vice view viii vile vine visa vise vita viva void volt vote
word wore work worm worn wove wrap writ wynn yang yank yard
xray rock dote loxx knot know hole held june jump epic levy
yarn yawl yawn yeah year yell yelp yoga yogi yoke yolk yond
zone itch haul like look open lyre lux; junk sons wink save